Dr. Michael Papsdorf

Registered Psychologist

Dr. Michael Papsdorf ("Dr. Mike") is a Registered Psychologist and the director of the NSSAC Psychoeducational Assessment Centre. He has extensive training and experience in conducting evidence-based assessments of learning, behavioural, social, and emotional concerns in children, adolescents, and adults. He also specializes in the assessment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD). In addition, he works with many individuals on the autism spectrum, though he does not offer the specialized assessment and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Dr. Mike is focused on both the strengths and struggles of his clients, and he works closely with individuals, families, and schools to help his clients achieve their potential. He helps clients and the people who support them to better understand how different aspects of functioning (e.g., learning, problem solving, mental health) may be affecting their school, home, and social lives. As part of the assessment, he provides a detailed report with practical and straightforward recommendations based on the assessment results.

Dr. Mike currently also conducts psychoeducational assessments for Sunny Hill Health Centre as part of the multidisciplinary Complex Developmental and Behavioural Conditions (CDBC) Network, after over a decade of conducting such assessments in Northern BC. He is an Adjunct Professor at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and a Clinical Associate at Simon Fraser University (SFU); in both roles, he trains and supervises clinical psychology graduate students in conducting psychoeducational assessments. Dr. Mike is noted to make assessments fun and rewarding, and he enjoys the detective work that goes into a thorough assessment.

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